Service times

Sunday Worship
 10 am

Children’s Sunday School
 (during worship)

Adult Forum
11:15 am


Life isn't really full without the community of faith gathering for celebration, inspiration, and adoration!

Worship at LCA is expressed in both traditional and contemporary styles, and a variety of people share their musical gifts in leading worship. All Sunday services include a Scripture readings, a Children’s message, a sermon from the Pastor, and Holy Communion.

In addition to our Sunday morning services, mid-week Evening Prayer services are held on Wednesdays during the seasons of Advent (December) and Lent (February – April). Special services are held around Christmas, Holy Week, and Easter Sunday.

Our typical worship pattern looks like this:

  • First Sunday of the Month 

    Divine Service / Setting II

    A traditional service from the Lutheran Book of Worship, including sung liturgy and hymns.

  • Second Sunday of the Month 

    Contemporary Worship

    Worship led by a worship team of piano, drums, and bass guitar, and the Song selections are more contemporary.

  • Third Sunday of the Month 

    Now the Feast and Celebration

    A sung liturgy by Marty Haugen, featuring a more contemporary musical style.

  • Fourth Sunday of the Month 

    Contemporary Worship

    Worship led by a worship team of piano, drums, and bass guitar. Song selections are more contemporary.

  • Fifth Sunday of the Month 

    Blended Worship

    Worship featuring a variety of classical and contemporary instruments and music.